Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sketchbook Day

Here are just a few sketchbook highlights from the past week or so.

Some side profiles of
people from the 50's
Even monsters shower,
they're not barbarians.
Womanly folk and a dumb cassette joke.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wine Personalities

I had my final crit today for the week.  My assignment was to design a series of four different labels for the same type of product.  I chose to do varieties of wine.  The idea behind it came from an article I read about how different personality types tend to prefer certain types of wine.  The animals I chose for each type roughly reflect those personality types.  Who knows how much truth there is to it, but the animals were fun to design.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Did this one this weekend.  This is a character/creature that i designed a while back and decided to put her in an environment that fits her style.  Lotsa twisty things.
Scanning her surroundings before she takes a drink.

The Hamster Space Project

So I finally got around to finishing this piece.  All in all I'm pretty happy with it.  It was good directional lighting study if anything else, plus I had a ton of fun with some of the background details.
He's starting to see what's going on here...
Personally signed by
 David Duchovny!
Simple enough.

Monday, March 18, 2013


I finished this turnaround of this kid character and his crazy invention a while ago.  The machine was really fun to design.  Basically the idea is he created this machine to do his chores quicker and easier.  It sucks things in like a vacuum, and ejects the equivalent mass in pizza, chocolate milk, or baby sloths (because who doesn't want a large amount of any of those things?).

Your average kid genius.
The Flip-Flopinator.  Great for cleaning your room
and acquiring large amounts of pizza.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moleskine of Past and Present

Here's some old pages from my small moleskine sketchbook that I scanned/cleaned up recently.

I like the idea of prismacolor markers,  but using them on this paper pretty much ruins everything before and after that page.  I experimented with a marker-looking brush in photoshop for the one above (I cheated).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Get Outta Here Guy(s)

Since I'm home, I thought I'd finish up and post this sketch from my small Moleskine sketchbook of a friend here in Troy, before I see him later today.  Enjoy.


I'm not sure how I like presenting a two-page sketch.  Sometimes I like leaving the page seam because it's something you work with while composing, but this way it does look a bit cleaner.

One without the page seam

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Amy's Birthday Sketch

It's my sister's birthday this wednesday, so I thought I'd post this sketch i did of her.  Happy Birthday Amy!  No hard feelings...
Amy being negative, for whatever reason

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Look Mom!

Finally.  Finished this guy last week.  I was really happy with the color palette in this piece, I think it fits the mood fairly well.  Let's hope it shows up on your screen like it does on mine...